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Small- and Medium-scale Enterprise (SME) Promotion

 IMG’s SME Promotion projects include analyzing the business environment in developing countries, analyzing potential and constraining factors of the SME sector and local industry, and planning, implementing and evaluating SME / local industrial policies and strategies.

Project on Career Development and Entrepreneurship Support Program for International Migrants in the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

(May. 2023 - Apr. 2028)

With main industries being only agriculture and tourism, job opportunities with decent salaries are limited in Nepal, which results in the increasing number of migrant workers to foreign countries. Although some of them have come back to Nepal with the skills, working experience, network and funds obtained in foreign countries, they do not contribute much to the development of domestic industries or the creation of job opportunities. The Project provides migrants to Japan including workers and students as well as returnees from Japan with information on career development and entrepreneurship as well as on entrepreneurship training so that they can utilize their skills and experiences obtained in Japan for the industrial promotion in Nepal. 

Capacity Development Project for Bangsamoro (MSME promotion and Entrepreneurship Development) in the Republic of the Philippines

(Mar. 2023 - Jan. 2026)

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) was established in 2019 after over 40 years of the conflict in the western Mindanao. This project aims to develop the capacity of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism (MTIT) of the new BARMM government to promote MSMEs. The Project develops the training program and mini-financing scheme that respond to the needs of MSMEs in BARMM and establishes the system and procedure form MTIT to provide such programs, so that MTIT will be able to continue providing the support for the MSMEs in BARMM.

Data Collection Survey on Promoting Manufacturing Industry in the Republic of Zambia

(Aug. 2023 - Feb. 2024)

To diversify industries and reduce the dependency on copper, the government of Zambia is working to increase trade as well as private investment while developing Special Economic Zones and industrial parks. This survey investigates the challenges and potentials of the seven manufacturing subsectors (food processing, engineering, wood and wood products, textiles, leather and leather products, metals and non-metallic minerals and pharmaceuticals) prioritized by the government of Zambia, based on which ideas for cooperation projects were presented to JICA.

Data Collection Survey on SME Finance in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan)

(Aug. 2021 - Mar. 2022)

Following their independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1991, the Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of Tajikistan have achieved significant economic growth with annual growth rates since 2000 ranging from 6% to 7%. Despite such, most key industries have yet to be fully developed aside from the mining industry in the Kyrgyz Republic and the primary aluminum and cotton industries in Tajikistan. Under contract with JICA, IMG analyzed the current status of agricultural value chains in both countries, as well as challenges in the SME financing sector. Based on the results, IMG recommended support measures that would contribute to expanding financing opportunities for SMEs in both countries, taking into account the implementation capacities of the governments and relevant institutions.

Survey on Infant Nutrition Improvement through Good-hygiene Breastfeeding (SME Partnership Promotion)  Data Collection Survey on SME Finance in Pakistan

(Dec. 2017 - Sep. 2018)

Under contract with JICA, IMG surveyed the current status and challenges of SMEs and the financial sector in Pakistan. IMG recommended support measures to improve access to finance for SMEs, particularly in the manufacturing sector.

​Data Collection and Analysis on the Women Entrepreneurship Development Project in Ethiopia

(Oct. 2015 - Mar. 2016)

The World Bank launched Women Entrepreneurship Development Project (WEDP) in 2012, which aimed to improve access to finance for women entrepreneurs through microfinance while providing training opportunities to start and run their businesses. The World Bank proposed JICA to co-finance the WEDP with a Yen loan, and IMG was commissioned by JICA to conduct a survey to examine its possibility.

Data Collection and Analysis on Women’s Economic Activities in Myanmar

(Jun. 2016 - Nov. 2019)

Under contract with JICA, IMG conducted a survey to determine the current status of women's economic activities in Myanmar, including employment, entrepreneurship, and management capacities. IMG also identified supports that contribute to their economic empowerment, including financial access improvement and capacity building.

Industrial policy formulation support project focusing on technological innovation and dissemination in Côte d'Ivoire

(Mar. 2015 - Nov. 2017)

In Cote d'Ivoire, a pilot project was implemented by proposing policies for technological innovation and dissemination of small and medium-sized manufacturing industries related to agricultural product processing equipment manufacturing-related technology and machine parts manufacturing-related technology, which are closely related to agro-industry, which is also one of the promising industrial sectors. 

© 2021 by IMG: International Management Group

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